The electric vehicle industry is developing by leaps and bounds, stocks are constantly growing, but the market has potential. It's not too late to jump on the fast departing train.
Omega Trend is a trend trading robot equipped with three built-in strategies and dynamic Stop Loss levels that, taken together, maximize your profit in Forex.
Let us talk about such a thing as goal-setting in trading. Earlier, my colleague has already touched on this topic in his post👇, which is a practical guide to setting goals in trading. In this post I decided to return to this topic and will try to delve into this problem from psychological side.
Psychology is an important part of a trader's success in the Forex market. Control over emotions (anxiety and trader's fear) is an intrinsic part of any trading strategy.
The Boeing Company is one of the largest suppliers of aviation, space, and military equipment. Boeing stocks up to the crisis cost more than 380 USD...
Today, we will discuss popular and rather widespread patterns of graphic analysis Double Top, Triple Top and its opposite – Double Bottom, Triple Bottom.
Today, we will get acquainted with a trading algorithm based on Parabolic SAR but with a simpler system. The Parabolic expert advisor is a simple robot that makes trades only by the signals of the Parabolic indicator.
In this post we'll try to make it clear why false signals appear that make the trading strategy to give a false signal, and the trade turnes out losing.
The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic struck the tourist industry most severely; the tourist industry, in its turn, pulled down airlines. Stocks of the world's largest airlines fell to a minimum costs and the companies started filing for bankruptcy. Passenger flow shrunk by over 80%; nowadays, airlines struggle to fill their airplanes with passengers and survive the crisis.
Nikkei 225 is one of the most important stock indices reflecting the state of the Japanese economy and overall business activity in the country.
The Stochastic expert advisor is an algorithm that uses overbought and oversold areas of the indicator with the same name; however, it has an original touch.
Today, I will speak about Twitter stocks (NYSE: TWTR). Twitter earns about 84% of its money on advertising...
Today, we will speak about a trading strategy called Parabolic SAR & Awesome. It is not widespread in financial markets including Forex.
The Providec trading strategy is one of the simplest Forex strategies that I have ever seen: just two indicators than never close the price chart.
In this review, we will discuss trading overbought and oversold areas. A trader may use special indicators that analyze the dynamics of price changes and show the overbought and oversold areas.